Residents Complain About Downtown Nashville Construction Noise

Residents Complain About Downtown Nashville Construction Noise It's a question of developers versus residents that the city may soon revisit. With Nashville's booming urban core, the issue of construction noise comes up all over town. "You've got cement trucks lined up as far as the eye can see," said Encore resident Michael Williams in a video he took at 3 a.m. Monday. It showed several, loud trucks parked outside his condo while working on the new Bridgestone building next door. "You're woken up every 30 minutes all night long, and this happens at least once every week," Williams told NewsChannel 5. "It sounds like 5,000 vacuum cleaners running at the same time interspersed with loud booms and grinding sounds." The building is being developed by Highwoods Properties, which did not immediately return our calls. But it's hardly an isolated incident downtown, and council member Freddie O'Connell has been making it o...