Nashville residents concerned about late night construction noise

A Nashville resident living near a construction site for a new condo complex is concerned there is a lack of Metro codes limiting construction noise at night. Steve Brady has lived at 1815 Division St. for two years because of its convenient location he said. But around 2 a.m. this morning he was awaken to the noise of crews pouring cement next door at the construction site. “It sounds like a cannon shots, reverberates, can’t sleep, it’s impossible. Then the worse is the overnight concrete pours,” the Chicago native said. Currently there's nothing in the Metro Code of Laws that makes construction noise illegal or a violation late at night. Councilman Freddie O'Connell said it can happen any time of day or night except Sundays but he's working to amend and simplify a noise ordinance. “We as council members, the mayor’s office those departments can go out and speak to Nashvillians all over the city to say if this is what's happening here's exactly who you...