Councilwoman wants non-mask wearers to be charged with attempted murder

Nashville Councilwoman asks for non-mask wearers to be charged like HIV-carriers if they transmit COVID-19 VIDEO: Metro Councilwoman compares people who transmit COVID-19 without wearing a mask, to those who transmit HIV; asks for them to be similarly charged in the criminal court system – asking if Metro Council can create such legislation. She’s visibly disappointed when she learns she doesn’t have that power. In a special called called Metro Council committee meeting on August 5th, Metro Council member Sharon Hurt asked the Public Safety, Beer & Regulated Beverages, and Health, Hospitals, & Social Services committees joint-session if the council could create criminal legislation to charge citizens who transmitted COVID-19 to another person while not wearing a mask, the same as HIV carriers were charged if they transmitted HIV to another person. Sharon hurt asks: “My question goes back to legislation. I don’t know if Mike Jameson could be the one to answer the question, but m...