Nanny Faye Chrisley forced to sing for money (Video)

Nanny Faye Chrisley sings for money to pay Todd and Julie Chrisley's legal bills!

Nanny Faye Chrisley sings for money to pay Todd and Julie Chrisley's legal bills! 

Times are tough for the Chrisley's with Julie and Todd Chrisley heading off to federal prison soon. It's gotten so bad that elderly, cancer stricken Nanny Faye Chrisley is forced to sing for money on social media to pay mounting legal bills and basic household expenses.

Y'all keep Nanny Faye lifted up in prayer, she doesn't deserve this!

Chrisley Knows Best


  1. I can't believe he's making granny do this!

    1. Why do you think he’s making her do this ? And how is she allegedly getting paid??

    2. This cannot be Lindsie ....

    3. Are you kidding me?? Why cant those kids work, they are old enough to work. No more getting money from mommy and daddy. This family is sad. Todd don't think about noone but himself, NOT EVEN HIS OWN MOM!! His mother is a good lady. God bless you Nanny.


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